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Wikipedia:Meetup/Wikipedians of the East Coast field trip/Date

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April 30 / May 1
  1. Isomorphic (30th only)
  2. Gyrofrog
  3. brian0918
  4. Casito
  5. Meelar
  6. →Raul654
  7. Danny
  8. Phyzome
  9. Etoile (May 1)
  10. Katefan0
May 7/8
  1. Seth Ilys
  2. Isomorphic
  3. Gyrofrog
  4. brian0918
  5. Casito
  6. Dinomite
  7. →Raul654
  8. Phyzome
  9. Etoile
  10. Katefan0
  11. Danny

Note that May 8 is Mother's Day

May 14/15
  1. Isomorphic
  2. →Raul654 (maybe...)
  3. Danny
  4. Phyzome
  5. Mindspillage
  6. Etoile
  7. Finn-Zoltan
  8. Katefan0
May 21/22
  1. Seth Ilys
  2. Isomorphic
  3. Danny
  4. Phyzome
  5. Mindspillage
  6. Etoile (May 22)
  7. Katefan0
May 28/29
  1. Isomorphic
  2. Phyzome
  3. Mindspillage
  4. Dinomite
  5. Etoile
  6. Katefan0

note that this is Memorial Day weekend

June 4/5
  1. Isomorphic
  2. Danny
  3. Gyrofrog
  4. Phyzome
  5. Dinomite
  6. Finn-Zoltan
  7. Katefan0
    • Works for me. :) DC is less than 10 hours away from Atlanta. --mav 03:33, 7 Apr 2005 (UTC)
    • Same weekend as Mav works, and for me it'll be a cab ride or Metro hop. Meelar (talk) 03:36, Apr 7, 2005 (UTC)
    • I can do almost any weekend except that of April 30; any of the weekends of May are doable and May 14; preference I suppose for the 21st or the 28th. -- Seth Ilys 16:34, 9 Apr 2005 (UTC)
      • May is *REALLY* bad for me - not only do I have finals, but I need to spend the latter half of may studying for my qualifying exams in early June. →Raul654 16:38, Apr 9, 2005 (UTC)
        • Revised: I can make the weekend of the 7th or the weekend of the 21st (and the weekend of April 23rd, but that's kinda soon. -- Seth Ilys 17:47, 14 Apr 2005 (UTC)
    • Offhand I can't think of anything that would block out any weekends in the next couple months. No preference. Isomorphic 07:26, 11 Apr 2005 (UTC)
    • RIT's exams are done until May 20th :-( --dinomite 20:41, 14 Apr 2005 (UTC)
    • I probably won't be available for one of the weekends in May, but I don't yet know which one. (I guess that's not very helpful, is it?) I think 4/30 & 5/1 or 5/7 & 5/8 would be fine for me. -- Gyrofrog (talk) 03:46, 16 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • Perhaps we should be rescheduling again? If Danny and Meelar can't make that date... we've only got three names at the moment. Isomorphic 02:56, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
    • Actually, only 2 names. April 30 / May 1 would've been fine for several people, including apparently Danny and Raul, but I'm not sure why the date was changed by Danny to June 4/5, which he says isn't good for him, and is impossible for Raul. --brian0918™ 18:18, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • The only time I could go would be before May 23rd. 4/30 & 5/1 would've been perfect, why was the date changed? --brian0918™ 17:17, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • Anything after the first week of May is out for me. I would probably be providing transportation for someone else, too. -Casito 18:05, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • I have my finals in mid-may and my qualifying exam on June 6 -- the qualifying exam takes precedence above everything else, so for about 2 weeks up to that I'm going to be sequestering myself and studying like hell. →Raul654 18:51, Apr 18, 2005 (UTC)
  • Well, I'm probably not available for any of these :/. My finals April 29 - May 3, and then I'll be working for 3 or so weeks on a paper deadline, and then I'll be at a conference in CA May 30-June 4. So, I suppose don't schedule with me taken into account, unless someone wants a June-11-or-later date. --Delirium 19:11, Apr 18, 2005 (UTC)
  • The only day I would ever be able to make would be May 7th, since I'm taking the week off of work then for final exams. My work schedule almost always includes work on Saturday and Sunday, and I don't think "going to meet some people I know online" would be a valid excuse for a day off. Mo0[talk] 01:00, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
    • On further review, I don't believe I'll even be able to make it on that date. I'm really sorry about not being available; weekends are the busiest time of the week for our store. I'm usually off on Mondays, that would've been better. :( Mo0[talk] 02:58, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • I just acquired another commitment May 1st, so I'm out that day unless we're doing something incredibly cool. Isomorphic 01:27, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • I'm new to Wikipedia but I've lived in DC my whole life and I'm interested in the event. April 30th is not good but May 1st is fine; May 21st is not good but the rest of the month is fine. Beginning of June is no good. -Etoile 14:51, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • I have finals and gigs the first weekend and then graduation May 7; the next three weekends work for me. Mindspillage (spill yours?) 18:11, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • I have gigs all of these weekends. --Marnen Laibow-Koser (talk) 18:53, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • I'm slowly returning from work-overload-induced absence... and I live near DC, too, & would like to come if I can. -FZ 01:56, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • I can potentially make pretty much any weekend, depending on exact plans. But I live on Capitol Hill so it's not like I'd have to commute far, or... er, anywhere for that matter. · Katefan0(scribble) 04:24, Apr 20, 2005 (UTC)
  • It looks like April 30/May 1 might be the best, because both of the original proposers of the meetup (Raul and Danny) could go then, as well as almost everyone else. --brian0918™ 19:33, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Decision on date


We should make a decision soon on the date, since one of the front-runners is coming up in a week. 30th-1st and 7th-8th look like they would be the best-attended dates, with the 7th-8th slightly preferred because two people have one-day restrictions. However, Danny can't make the weekend of the 7th, and we really shouldn't exclude him from an event that was his idea, so... should we say the 30th and the 1st? (By the way, Improv emailed me and is coming, regardless of date.) Isomorphic 03:08, 24 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Danny just told me that he can go May 7/8, so it's safe to assume that'll be the weekend. I've asked him to finalize the date. --brian0918™ 15:53, 24 Apr 2005 (UTC)